Monday, May 3, 2021


01.... Different between private IP address and public IP address. 02.... Different between DHCP and BootP. 03.... Different between switch, Hub and Router. 04.... Different between IPv4 and IPv6. 05.... Different between TCP and UDP.  Facebook Page - Instagram Page -

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Networking basic questions and answers

 What is Routing?

Routing is the process of finding a path on which data can pass from source to destination.

Routing is done by a device called routers, which are network layer devices.

What is Switch?

It is networking device which transfers data only to the host where.

It checks the destination address to route the packet. It is operates at data link layer and operates in full duplex mode.


They increase the available bandwidth of the network.

They help in reducing workload on individual host PCs.

They increase the performance of the network.

Switches can be connected directly to workstation.

They increase the accessible data transfer capacity of the organization.

They are more secure because switches are isolated, data will go only to the destination.


They are more costly.

Network connectivity issues are difficult to be traced through the network switch.

Broadcast traffic may be troublesome.

What is Networking?

Networking is used to connect or operate with a network. It is the process of creating and using wired and wireless network for exchanging information, ideas, files and other electronic communication.

What does protocol means?

Protocol is defined as the rules that connect two or more devices to transfer the information from one device to another.

It helps to know how data is being transferred from one network to another network for communication.

What is the OSI reference model?

OSI is a reference model that tells how information and data are communicated over a network. It is a conceptual framework that understands the relationships of transmission. 

What are the different layers of the OSI model?

There are 7 layers of the OSl model

  1. Physical Layer

  2. Data Link Layer

  3. Network Layer

  4. Transport Layer

  5. Session Layer

  6. Presentation Layer

  7. Application Layer

What is Half-Duplex and Full Duplex?

In Half-Duplex, the transmission of information or communication is from one direction only.

Example- Walkie-talkie

In Full-Duplex, the transmission of information or communication is from both the directions.

Example-Talking on the telephone.

What is the difference between LAN, MAN, and WAN?


It is a local area network where computers and network devices are connected with each other, usually within the same area or building.

Connections in LAN must be of high speed.

Example- Ethernet


It is a metropolitan area network where the networks are connected widely within several buildings in the same city.

Example- The IUB Network


It is a wide area network where the networks are limited to one enterprise or organization and can be accessed by the public.

It connects several LANs.

Connection in WAN is of high speed and expensive too.

Example- Internet

In how many ways can data be transferred in CCNA?

Data can be transferred in three ways-

  1. Simplex

  2. Half-Duplex

  3. Full-Duplex

What is the difference between Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast and Anycast?


It is the exchange of messages between a single source and a single destination.

It Unicast, packets send from sender contains data address of the receiver so that it can go to the receiver directly.


It is the exchange of messages between one sender and multiple receivers.

In multicast, the network settings determine your receiving clients and sort of broadcasting.


It is the exchange of messages between one sender to all possible multiple receivers.

It works only on a local network.

Broadcasting of data cannot be done on the public internet due to a massive amount of unrelated and unnecessary data.


It is exchange of messages between one host to another host.

It uses TCP and UDP protocols.

The copy of each data packets goes to every host that requests it.

What is PING used for?

PING is a packet Internet Groper.

It is used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet protocol network.

When any data is sent via the network through the IP addresses, then it will PING the receiver to receive the data from the sender.

What are the different class and ranges of IP addresses?

There are five different classes of IP addresses-

Class                                      Range

A____________________ 1-126

B____________________ 127-191

C____________________ 192-223

D____________________ 224-239

E____________________ 240-254

What is Private IP and Public IP?

Private IP-

It is used within the local LAN.

Public IP-

It is used across the Internet.

Define MAC Address?

MAC stands for Media Access Control.

It is stored in ROM and is uniquely defined.

It is identified as the Media Access Control Layer in the network architecture.

Define Logical Topology?

Logical Topology is the network from where the data packets are send from the source to destination, which we can see as well.

What is the different between Static and Dynamic IP address?

Static IP address-

It will not change over time and is reserved statically.

Dynamic IP address-

It changes each time when we cannot to the Internet.

Differential User mode and Privileged mode?

Router>User mode

Router# Privileged mode

Privileged mode also allows all the commands that are available in user mode.

Privileged mode can be identified by the # prompt following the router mode.

From the user mode a user can change to privileged mode by running the "enable" command.

100BaseFX?What is 

100BaseFX is the technical name of Fast Ethernet over fiber optic cable.

It is a version of Fast Ethernet carrying data traffic at 100 Mbps in local area network.

Give some benefits of LAN switching?

LAN switching-

Switches are a fundamental part of most network.

They let multiple users. Communicate directly with other. As such they offer the potential for collision free, high speed networking.

Benefits of using LAN Switching-

Increased network scalability.

The network can expand easily as the business grows.

Improved bandwidth performance for each network user.

Multiple simultaneous connections.

Reduced congestion and information transmission delay.

No single point of failure.

With proper network design, there are fewer chances for network failure.

Improved manageability and security through the use of virtual LANs.

What are packets?

A packets is a small amount of data send over a network, such as a LAN or the Internet.

Packets are intended to transfer data reliably and efficiently. Instead of transferring a large file as a single block of data, sending smaller packets helps ensure each section is transmitted successfully.

What is subnetting?

When a bigger network is divided into smaller networks, in order to maintain security, then that is known as subnetting. So maintenance  is easier for smaller networks.

What does MTU stands for? What is the default size?

MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit.

The default size of MTU is 1500 bytes.

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